The Company
Marmoguia - Mármores e Cantarias, Lda


Is a company that transforms all kinds of Portuguese and foreign stones, namely marbles, limestones and granites. We are working in the Portuguese market since 1980. We have two main industrial areas of stone transformation:
a) Slabs in several types of finishing's and
b) Finishing area to produce tiles (in several dimensions, thickness and finishing's), masonry and any kind of works by measurement.

We work every day to reinforce the quality of our stones and final job, through a careful selection of our suppliers and main collaborators. Only this way, we can honestly assume the commitment to our customers of serve them always well.

We started our company only with the gang saws area, and, along the years, we have developed into the well equipped unit, available nowadays.
Our main goal today is the reinforcement of our export market.


1. Slabs
We work with slabs (brut or finished) for subsequent transformation. We have an industrial unit of blocs transformation, which allows us having permanent stock of almost our materials.

2. Floors and Coverings
We do wall and floor tiles in our materials, in standard and non standard measures and thicknesses (minimum thickness 10 mm).
We also have a great experience in cut to size façade projects.

3. Custom Work Projets
In our finishing unit, we do all kind of work for the building sector, like masonry, stairs, countertops, etc.

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